So recently I have had a lot of changing moments in my life. With going back to school, moving back home (temporarily), changing friends or groups of friends, and just my priorities. I am hoping to move out at the end of the summer with a friend who I have recently been hanging out with a lot. I am noticing that few of my friendships are ending up a bit one sided. What I am not understanding is why people think that a friendship like that is ok. I end up being the only one to call them and end up planning things around their schedule and not comprimising at all. It feels like I am doing all the work and not getting any in return. I am also in the position where I had the oppurtunity to be in a relationship but opted not to cause of time constraints. I realize that I can't give out the time even though I want to more than anything to have that one person I can talk to and count on. I am looking kinda for a relationship more for possibly settling down than anything. But just wondering what people think.