Well let's see working in a childcare environment there tends to be a lot of females working in one place. Which let me tell you isn't the best thing in the world. So this boss of mine recently decided to stop talking to me. To me that seems like a very unprofessional thing to do especially for someone in her position. That isn't the worst of it my friend now works with me and has decided that she doesn't want to talk to me there either because she thinks that she will get in trouble if she does. My opinion is if it doesn't interfear with our job then who the fuck cares. Now although I agreed that this was the best course of action with my friend I am now finding out that I don't like it so much because I don't get talked to in the morning. The only person that really stuck up for me quit because he didn't want to deal with it anymore. Now if I had that oppurtunity I would take it in a heart beat. But I love working with those kids and for the most part like my job. I am currently still searching and am hoping to find something soon. But I just thought that my bosses way of handling things was a bit fucked up and wanted to share with everyone else too.